Liberal Democrats from across the region meet in Wokingham

The conference was opened by Catherine Bearder, regional chair and a former Lib Dem MEP who led the Lib Dem group in the European Parliament. Attendees were welcomed to Wokingham by the local party chair who talked about Wokingham and the tremendous support they are receiving from local residents.
Mike Dixon, Chief Executive Officer of the Liberal Democrats, spoke about the national political situation and how Liberal Democrats were winning local elections and parliamentary by-elections across the country.
Councillor Sarah Kerr, Executive Member for Climate Emergency and Residents Services for Wokingham Borough Council talked about the practical actions the Liberal Democrats in Wokingham are taking to help council departments and residents address climate change and how this contributes to improving lives in so many ways locally and globally.
Anthony Hook, Liberal Democrats Group Leader on Kent County Council, also a former Lib Dem MEP, spoke about the fundamental need for immigrants to have a fair hearing before decisions were taken about their status and the many problems with the Conservative government’s management of immigration.
Munira Wilson, Liberal Democrat MP for Twickenham concluded the event discussing her role as Liberal Democrat spokesperson for Education and the difference that Lib Dem MPs make for their constituents.
The conference also held policy debates on school travel and housing which will inform national Lib Dem policy.
Wokingham is a target seat for the Liberal Democrats for the next general election, which must be called in the next 20 months. Clive Jones, the Liberal Democrat parliamentary candidate, promises to be a hard working full-time local MP who will look after residents’ interests.