John Redwood takes residents for granted.

22 May 2024
Clive Jones in a house with a young family

John Redwood takes residents for granted.

For decades, John Redwood has taken the people of Wokingham for granted.

He has focused instead on his passion for privatising our public services, destroying our country’s relationship with our European neighbours, and his second job in wealth management. 

Conservatives’ record in government.

Only now, with his re-election at risk due to the Conservatives’ disastrous record in government and many residents telling us they think he neglects Wokingham, is he taking a renewed interest in local issues. 

What matters to the people of Wokingham.

But, rather than talking about what matters most to the residents of Wokingham - the cost-of-living crisis, the appalling state of NHS services and the destruction of our natural environment from his failed water privatisation project - he wants to talk about the local council. 

Wokingham Borough Council is the lowest funded Unitary Authority in the UK.

John Redwood wants you to believe that he and his Conservative colleagues in parliament have no responsibility for Wokingham Borough Council receiving the lowest core grant in the country from government, now and for the last 16 years.  Rather than supporting local residents, he has been playing party politics since the Liberal Democrats took over the council, refusing to acknowledge this issue.

Road repairs and resurfacing

He wants you to blame the Liberal Democrats for the deterioration of our roads, failing to mention that the government grant that Wokingham Borough Council receives for road maintenance has been frozen since 2018 and has never been uplifted to maintain the many roads built in the last 12 years. The last Conservative administration in Wokingham left a huge backlog of maintenance that today would cost around £16m to fix.

Housing targets

Sir John likes to tell you he has had our government-imposed house building targets removed, and continues to make this claim even though the government department responsible for targets is clear that this isn’t true. 

Government mismanagement.

This dreadful Conservative government has mismanaged almost everything it has touched and is left resorting to blaming everyone else and trying to frighten and divide people to get your vote.  Don’t let them fool you – things will only get worse whilst the Conservatives remain in power. 

The coming general election.

In Wokingham, only the Liberal Democrats can beat the Conservatives.  I hope you will support me at the general election whenever it comes later this year and help my campaign if you can.  

Wokingham needs a new hard-working, full-time MP who will stand up for our area and our residents’ needs. So many people have been telling me that they cannot continue to support the Conservatives.  People who usually support Labour have been telling us that when the General election comes, they will support me. With your support, I will fight for a fair deal for Wokingham residents, prioritising the issues that you have told me matter most: fixing the NHS, tackling the cost-of-living crisis and stopping the dumping of sewage in our rivers.

Please do not hesitate to contact either me or one of our Lib Dem team if you want to know more, or need our assistance.

Clive Jones

Liberal Democrat Parliamentary candidate for Wokingham


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