Clive Jones: "Exempt GPs and care homes from tax hike before they shut up shop"

Wokingham GPs and care providers are already in crisis, but the tax hike will add to the pressure by forcing small care providers and GPs to pay more in National Insurance Contributions.
Clive Jones, the MP for Wokingham, said:
“When I speak to GPs and care providers in Wokingham, they tell me of the immense pressure that they are under following years of Conservative mismanagement.
“The decisions the Chancellor made at the Budget will push those crucial services to the brink. Some could even be forced to shut up shop.
“People must be able to access decent health and care services. To deliver this, the Government must change course and exempt GPs and care providers here in Wokingham from the tax hike.”
The Government provided extra funding for the NHS and other public sector organisations to cover the cost of the tax rise. However, GPs and the vast majority of care providers are private and so won’t benefit from this help.
Clive Jones has called for crucial health and care services in Wokingham to be exempted from the NI hike - or risk them shutting up shop.