Christmas message

A Christmas message from Stephen Conway, leader of the Council.
Christmas is an important moment in the year, for people of all faiths and of none.
It’s a time of hope and expectation for a better future.
For most people in the borough, whatever their religious beliefs, Christmas is a time of merriment and celebration. They, like me, will be looking forward to spending a few days away from the pressures of work. The prospect of time off with family and friends is made all the more enticing by the short days and long evenings. Hunkering down at home in the warmth, surrounded by those you know and love, is a very comforting experience. I’m looking forward to it very much after a tough few months, with long and exhausting days, grappling with the council’s many challenges.
But I am also acutely aware of how lucky I am. I have a warm and welcoming home to go to; I have a loving family and good friends to spend time with over Christmas. For a growing number of people, the reality will be very different.
Every year, for people on their own, Christmas is an occasion to be endured rather than enjoyed. There is no more painful reminder that you’re alone than everyone else seeming to have family and friends with whom they can share the festive season.
For others, Christmas will be hard to celebrate because their financial circumstances are desperate. Homelessness is a growing problem, much of it associated with private landlord no-fault evictions, but also family breakdowns, all too often involving violence and abuse. Behind the faceless statistics of homelessness lie individual and family tragedies. High rents and a shortage of available properties make it impossible for a growing number of people to afford a place to live.
Shortage of money is also affecting many families and individuals who still have a roof over their heads. The number of people in our borough forced to use foodbanks is a sign of the seriousness of the situation. Imagine the plight of parents struggling to buy their children the Christmas presents that others take for granted.
The borough council is working with its voluntary and charitable sector partners in the Hardship Alliance to do what it can to help, and I know there are a lot of local initiatives, often the work of parish and town councils, which are making life easier for many in need and for those who are experiencing loneliness.
We can all do our bit – by giving money or goods to the charities that work so hard to help those who are struggling, by giving some time to help these organisations in the invaluable work they do, or by looking out for a neighbour who we know to be on their own.
But while I hope we will all think of others this Christmas, I also hope we will all find time to recharge our own batteries and rest and relax.
Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.